Hello, Future CMA!
Happy New Year! I’m excited for what this year will bring, and I hope you’re excited, too! If passing the CMA exam is one of your big goals in 2024, I’m here to help! I know that your journey to become a CMA can seem long at times, but I promise that it’s worth it. After all, being able to add “CMA” to your title can be a big career boost.
To keep you motivated while you study, I’m sending you links to a few posts that should give you some inspiration to pass the CMA exam this year:
Plus, I have the scope on some discounts for CMA exam study materials as well as CPE credits.
And as always, please let me know if I can answer any questions!
Happy studying,
Stephanie & the ipassthecmaexam.com team
Connect with me on:
Susan is an esteemed member of the I Pass the CMA Exam team. Even better, she's (almost) as excited about the CMA exam as you!