I Pass The CMA Exam!

Thank You for Your Interest in Becoming My Guest Blogger. Here are Further Instructions

Hello, thanks again for your interest! I have been running this site for almost 4 years now, and it is amazing to share my stories and interact with fellow candidates. I am sure it will be a rewarding experience for you.

Before you commit I’d like to give you more information about the arrangement.

What You Will Get from Me

1. US$10 per Post

I see this as a reimbursement to your CMA review course. You can pick any course you like and I will pay you directly at the end of each month, by paypal.

2. Recognition on My Site

Your post will be showcased on my Facebook with 3,500+ fans, and will be tweeted around. There will be a page dedicated to my guest bloggers as a token of appreciation for your sharing.

3. Discount on Other Products

You will receive special discounts on products from this site as well as affiliate sites, such as IPasstheCPAExam.com, and the accounting resume/interview tips site that we will launch at a later date.

What You Need to Do

1. Your Photo

First of all, I’d like to have a (real) photo of you so readers know you are a real person.

2. The Weekly Articles

Then, please submit a post every week. I will provide login name and password for you to write a post on my site directly (don’t worry, I will give you full instruction, and it is the easiest thing to do).

Please write an article with at least 300 words. It should read like a journal, i.e. what you have experienced that week related to your study. It could be:

  • How you create your study plan
  • How you choose the CMA review course, and the decision process
  • How you try to balance time with kids / work and study
  • How you fail to keep up with your plan because you are busy at work
  • How you feel completed overwhelmed and want to give up
  • How you find ways to motivate yourself…
  • Your experience on exam day
  • How you feel about passing / failing

So it can be anything that you experience, but it has to be YOUR personal experience. Here is a good example of what a guest blogger wrote on this site:


Please don’t write general articles on how to be successful, what does CMA stand for etc because these are NOT personal experience. If you aren’t sure about the definition, let me know.

3. The Arrangement Ends Once You Tell Us Your Exam Result

I expect you to write until the week of your exam day. Then, you are most welcome to continue, but if you don’t have much to share, I understand. You can choose to wait until receiving the result, and write your last post indicating pass/fail, and what you think about the whole CMA journey.

If you plan to take the other part of the exam, we start the process all over.

That’s It!

I try to keep the arrangement simple for both of us. Please email me (or reply to my email) to confirm your interest and we can start right away!

About the Author Stephanie Ng

I am the author of How to Pass The CPA Exam (published by Wiley) and the publisher of this and several accounting professional exam prep sites.

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