I Pass The CMA Exam!

CMA Multiple-Choice Questions Overview

Introducing Our Wednesday Blogger: VinothVinoth is one of our CMA exam bloggers. He documents his CMA journey every Wednesday. 

Hope everyone read my blog last week about my story before passing part 1. This week I will go a little further on the various parts of the exam.

CMA Multiple Choice Questions

On the real exam, you will see two parts of the exam: MCQs (multiple-choice questions) and essays.

Let me begin by discussing the points to be noted while practicing on your MCQs and how I have practiced them myself during the preparation.

As you know, the CMA exam is 75% of MCQs and 25% of essay-type questions. During the exam, if you get a 50% score on the MCQs, you move on to the fourth hour for essay questions.

This 50% does not mean that you have cleared the exam. Only by completing the essay questions will the examiners calculate the weighted average of your score. You need to get 72% to clear the exam.

You may then ask how many of the 100 CMA multiple-choice questions do I need to get right? Please note that this is based on the difficulty level of the questions you get from the examiner. If you get easier questions, you must get more correct answers to pass, and vice versa.

While working on the practice questions, you will notice that some words are highlighted. Please pay attention to those words because they impact your answers.

In my own exam preparation, when I complete each section, I work on the MCQs simultaneously, so the weakest areas are known, and I can then concentrate on them.

I have been using Gleim as well as additional testing software during my exam preparation, but the choice is purely based on your own interest and time. If you can afford testing software, you can go for Gleim online. The level of Gleim questions will make you clear on each subject on the CMA exam.

Hope this blog post is useful as you go through your CMA multiple-choice questions.

From Stephanie

Thanks for the detailed explanation of the multiple-choice questions. I’ve got quite a lot of queries on that myself. On scoring, here is my version of the post (which says the same thing but will have a bit more background information), and readers can also get more information on Gleim here.

About the Author Vinoth

Dear readers, I am from India and currently studying for the CMA exam from my home country. I chose CMA (vs other qualifications) as I work in a multinational corporation that values this global certification. After passing Part 1 exam in the Sep/Oct 2014 testing window, I had to postpone Part 2 until Sep 2015 due to heavy commitment in work and family. Finally got the good news in Nov. Thanks for reading!

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