Are you looking for free CMA Exam resources like a CMA test and accounting practice questions? Or CMA sample exams?
Did you know you can get CMA study material free online? That’s right. If you know who to trust, you can find reliable CMA free course material like practice questions and practice tests. Likewise, you can download webinars and advice for passing the CMA Exam on your first try. After all, the CMA exam fees add up, so why not save all the money you can?
In this article, we’ll help you identify the best dependable yet free CMA Exam review resources to help you become a Certified Management Accountant. If you know where to look, you can find free CMA exam essay samples as well as CMA accounting questions.
Name of Source | Material | Access Length | Requires Contact Info? | Summary |
IMA | CMA Examination Sample Questions and Essays | Unlimited | No | 10 MCQ + 2 essays with answer explanations. |
CMA Connection: CMA Practice Questions | Unlimited | No | 5 questions with answer explanations per newsletter. | |
Content Specifications Outlines (CSO) | Unlimited | No | Outlines the practice areas candidates should understand for the CMA Exam. | |
Learning Outcome Statements (LOS) | Unlimited | No | Detailed study syllabus. | |
CMA Handbook | Unlimited | No | A guide to the requirements for the CMA license, plus info about scheduling and taking the exam. | |
I Pass the CMA Exam | Free Study Guide and Test Question Resource | Unlimited | First Name and Email Address Only | Questions with answer explanations for Part 1 and Part 2 are linked to video lessons. |
Free CMA Mini E-Course | Unlimited | Yes | Tips on studying, doubling your chances of passing the CMA Exam, and much more. | |
Free CMA Formulas | Unlimited | Yes | Free formula download for Part 1 of the CMA Exam. | |
Becker CMA Review | Free Trial | 14 days | Yes | Access to one full study unit per exam part. |
Free CMA Resources | Unlimited | No | Free tips about what CMAs do, how to become CMA certified, and how to pass the CMA exam. | |
Surgent CMA Review | Free Trial | 3 days | Yes | Access to 3,945 MCQs with explanations; 65+ sample essays; also 2 CMA reference PDFs. |
CMA Exam Practice Questions | Unlimited | No | 19 MCQs with answer explanations. | |
Gleim CMA Review | Free Demo | Unlimited | Yes | Unlimited access to one exam topic. |
Free CMA Exam Questions | Unlimited | Yes | 80 MCQs with answer explanations. | |
CMA Webinars and Videos | Unlimited | Yes | Free accounting videos and also webinars on beginner to advanced topics. | |
CMA Exam Guide | Unlimited | Yes | Tips on studying for and taking the CMA Exam; also includes sample essays and MCQs. | |
HOCK International | Free Trial | 14-day access to 2 Sections | Yes | Access to textbooks, MCQs, flashcards, and videos for one part of the HOCK CMA prep course. |
MCQ = multiple-choice questions
I’ll get straight to the point: The CMA Exam is not easy. In fact, it’s known for its level of difficulty compared to other accounting credential exams like the CPA Exam. In the last few years, about 45% of people who have sat for Part 1 and Part 2 passed. However, more recently, only 35% of candidates passed Part 1, and 50% passed Part 2.
So given these low pass rates, why not get CMA Exam prep free? You can use resources like free CMA practice tests, free online CMA practice questions in accounting, and other CMA study notes free downloads to get you closer to the end goal of passing the CMA Exam.
I strongly suggest that you devote a considerable amount of time to studying for the CMA Exam. How much time, in fact? Well, successful candidates spend a minimum of 80-170 hours studying for Part 1 and 60-120 hours for Part 2. That means that to play it safe, you better budget at least 290 hours in total study time.
But even if you’ve been working as an accountant for years, you should still plan to study. After all, some professionals consider the exam to be an “academic” type of exam. That is, it covers concepts and practices that you might learn in college but might not use on a regular day-to-day basis.
Therefore, no matter what your experience or education level may be, you’re going to need to study for a considerable amount of time for the CMA Exam. However, HOW you study is more important than HOW LONG you study. (After all, you can gather all the practice CMA exam simulations and sample CMA essay questions. But if you don’t have a good study plan, you’re wasting your time.)
For most people, one of the best ways to study for the CMA Exam is to drill multiple-choice questions (MCQs) over and over again. After all, MOST of the problems on the exam are MCQs, while the rest are short essays. Conquering the MCQs is critical to passing; you actually answer the MCQs first. Moreover, you can only move on to the essays if you pass a certain amount of MCQs. Therefore, you need to master them before your exam day.
You can use free CMA study questions in three ways.
If you’re just now considering the CMA and wondering if you have what it takes to pass the exam, use free questions as a pre-test. After all, studying for the exam will take a lot of your time, patience, and financial resources. So don’t enter into the CMA journey lightly. If you try out free practice quizzes for the CMA Exam, you can better gauge if you’re ready to spend the next 290+ hours going over similar material.
In addition, you can use free trials from trusted CMA Exam review providers to try out different programs. Subsequently, candidates who study with a review course have higher chances of passing the exam on their first try. Therefore, it’s definitely worth finding the course that fits you and your learning style best. Plus, many of today’s courses include practice tests that mimic the software of the “real” CMA Exam, so you’ll also get access to a CMA software free trial, too.
And finally, once you’re knee-deep in studying, you can use free CMA Exam resources to supplement whatever other review course you might be using. The best review courses come with thousands of practice MCQs and sample essays. And while “thousands” seem like a lot when you first purchase a review course, there is a chance you’ll run through all of your MCQs in that 300+ hours of studying you’ll do. When that happens, it’s nice to have free CMA Exam questions and answers PDF to keep your studying fresh.
Most of the CMA study materials free downloads come from the following sources:
The Institute of Management Accountants has several free resources to help candidates plan their path to the CMA. Many of them are listed in the chart above, like free questions and free webinars. However, the IMA also has some other free CMA Exam resources to consider, too.
For example, the IMA’s podcast series Count Me In addresses a wide range of topics that affect CMAs. Some episodes are geared toward CMA candidates who haven’t passed the exam yet. For instance, in this episode, the podcast shared how competencies are assessed on the exam.
The IMA also has the CMA Handbook: Your Guide to Information and Requirements for CMA Certification. In the handbook, you’ll find the education and experience benchmarks for the CMA. Additionally, the resource also gives info about scheduling and taking the CMA Exam and how to prepare for your exam day.
And if you haven’t downloaded the IMA’s Content Specifications Outlines or Learning Outcome Statements yet, you should. They are basically your study syllabus because they list all the areas you need to master to pass the CMA Exam. They are updated every time the CMA Exam is changed, making sure you have the most recent version from the IMA.
Not only do we have CMA Exam course reviews and advice on lots of exam-related topics in our blog, but we also have a free CMA study guide and other learning materials. You can count on us for a free CMA mini e-course, free CMA tests, and even free formulas for Part 1.
The test prep market for the CMA Exam has several first-rate review providers. They develop and deliver a curriculum that teaches you everything you need to know to pass the CMA Exam. Typical learning materials could include video or audio lectures, textbooks, test banks of thousands of sample questions, and personalized study planners.
However, each review course is a little different. So thankfully, many providers offer some sort of free trial or demo. You can use these trials to try out their materials and see if they fit your learning style. Plus, you can take advantage of these free offerings and use them as short but free CMA classes online and free CMA digital sample tests. And since many providers’ mock exams mimic the real CMA Exam, free trials are also like a CMA software free download.
Some providers go beyond free trials and even have free downloads of other study materials. Take Gleim, for example. Gleim has a CMA free study guide that goes over what will be on the exam and has free sample MCQs and essay problems.
So, just where can you find free CMA study resources like CMA sample exams and sample CMA essay questions? The I Pass team has found the best examples for you!
While it’s important to download and use free CMA practice questions, it’s equally important that you use quality practice questions. The CMA Exam changes from time to time to reflect the growing body of knowledge needed by tomorrow’s management accountants. So, if you use questions that are too old, you might be studying information that’s no longer on the CMA Exam.
The sources listed below all offer high-quality but completely free CMA Exam resources.
The IMA publishes the official CMA Examination Sample Questions and Essays. This collection includes 5 MCQs and 1 sample essay for Part 1 and Part 2, for a total of 10 MCQs and two essays. Plus, explanations accompany each correct answer. Sample essay answers are also given to see how they are structured and their expected length.
I Pass the CMA Exam has created a free CMA study resource. To get this free resource, you just need to sign up with your first name and email address. We will send you an interactive CMA study guide with free practice questions for Part 1 and Part 2. Detailed answer explanations supplement the correct answers. Many of the MCQs are also linked to video lectures about CMA Exam topics from Surgent’s highly respected professors.
The CMA Connection is an electronic newsletter published quarterly by the IMA. The articles are specifically written for CMA candidates and cover topics to help you pass the CMA Exam. For example, the July 2020 issue gave tips for reducing your study time and advice for helping your work supervisor understand the importance of getting your CMA.
The newsletter often includes 5 sample questions that are usually split between Part 1 and Part 2. The correct answers include explanations that are linked to the exam’s Content Specifications Outline (CSO) and Learning Outcome Statements (LOS), which are basically the exam’s syllabi. Although five questions per newsletter might not seem like a lot, you can easily download past issues from the IMA website to find more questions. Plus, since the questions are coming directly from the IMA, you know they are high quality.
Surgent CMA Review has a free PDF download of 19 CMA Exam questions. Plus, the resource gives explanations for the correct answers but not the incorrect ones. You can learn more about Surgent CMA on their website.
Gleim CMA Review has 80 free MCQs from Part 1 and Part 2. They come straight from Gleim’s Mega Test Bank, which has a reputation for having some of the most realistic CMA questions on the market. I strongly suggest looking at this Gleim CMA PDF free download.
One of the most challenging parts of studying for the CMA Exam is memorizing the formulas. Both Part 1 and Part 2 test technical concepts that require you to apply lots of different accounting calculations. Plus, the exam software doesn’t give you a list of formulas, so you’ll need to commit them to memory.
I Pass the CMA Exam has a list of free CMA formulas for Part 1.
Likewise, we’ll have free formulas for Part 2 available soon. Stay tuned.
Did you know that I Pass the CMA Exam even has a free e-course? Once you sign up, you’ll receive test-taking tips sent directly to your inbox over several days. Plus, you’ll get tips for studying more effectively, doubling your chances of passing the exam, and writing the CMA essays.
You can use this free information to help you pass the CMA Exam on your first try.
Free CMA tests are an important part of your study arsenal. In fact, one could argue that taking at least one CMA accounting practice test is the most important step in studying for the exam. After all, you can drill MCQs all day, but you won’t know if you’re ready for the CMA Exam until you take a sample test.
Therefore, I Pass the CMA Exam has a CMA practice test free for Part 1 and Part 2.
Another way to get CMA study materials free is through trials of CMA review courses. Of course, these offers push a paid product, and you have to give your contact info to receive them. But still, taking advantage of free trials could give you access to materials like a CMA practice test online for free, a free study guide for the CMA Exam, or maybe even a CMA questions and answers PDF free download.
Becker completely re-vamped its CMA courses a couple of years ago, and they are now better than ever. What’s more, Becker is now a licensed partner of the Institute of Management Accountants, too. Becker’s courses feature Adapt2U Technology, simulated exams, tutoring, and virtual classes. I’ve reviewed the new Becker CMA courses and compared the Becker study materials against other providers.
In addition to articles about how to become a CMA, Becker also offers a free 14-day trial. The Becker CMA trial includes access to one full study unit per exam part. Therefore, you’ll be able to try out Becker’s digital books, CMA accounting practice questions, practice tests, and more.
Surgent has been providing reviews for accounting credentials since 1985. It was the first CMA review course to use an adaptive learning platform—A.S.A.P. Technology—that helps you study smarter, not longer. In fact, one of Surgent’s biggest goals is to help candidates cut down on their study time. And who doesn’t want that? For more information about Surgent, we’ve reviewed the Surgent CMA Study Materials. The Surgent free trial is good for 3 days. It gives you access to 3,945 MCQs with answer explanations, 65+ essay problems, and 2 CMA reference PDFs.
Gleim is another CMA review provider that has a free demo. The company offers one of the most popular CMA courses on the market. That’s probably because of Gleim’s Mega Test Bank, high-quality professor-led videos, audio lectures, and personal exam mentors. Plus, their SmartAdapt e-learning software adapts as you learn. Discover our in-depth review of Gleim CMA Review and get a discount on their premium materials.
Gleim offers a free demo of the Gleim Premium CMA Review System. You’ll get unlimited access to one exam topic, including MCQs, sample essays, and video lectures that cover the IMA Learning Outcome Statements. The free trial is worth it, even if you get access to just one exam topic for your Gleim CMA test bank free download and Gleim CMA books free download.
HOCK International also has a free trial of its CMA review course. HOCK’s programs are especially popular with international candidates because of the HOCK Notes, which break down complicated concepts in easy-to-understand ways. Similarly, the company also has thorough textbooks, classroom-style video lessons, and mock exams with new questions that don’t appear elsewhere in the course. We’ve also created a review of HOCK CMA International.
HOCK’s free trial gives you access to the full electronic textbook, questions, and videos for their CMA Part 1 – Section A course.
Can you get free CMA questions and other CMA study guide free downloads? Yes.
However, should you only rely on free material to study for the CMA Exam? No.
Even if you have advanced accounting degrees or years of experience, the CMA Exam is a major hurdle that requires a lot of study time. And still, if you get your hands on a CMA Part 1 PDF free textbook or a CMA Part 2 free download, these materials aren’t enough to study properly.
Many of the CMA Exam review courses have mock exams that mimic the software used by the CMA Exam. For example, the Surgent CMA platform emulates the actual exam. You can take advantage of free trials to test out the software.
The IMA has two CMA exam essay examples on its website. Plus, the Becker CMA free trial includes sample essays, too.
Absolutely! In fact, many of the resources listed in the table at the beginning of this post have sample CMA tests as well as accounting practice questions. For instance, check out the Becker CMA free trial to get access to practice questions and sample CMA tests.
Depending on the topics you’re searching for, you can find several online CMA courses that are free. I Pass has a free mini e-course designed to prepare you for the CMA Exam. It has tips for answering the essays and doubling your chances of getting a passing score. You can also sign up for the free trials mentioned in this article to get access to free lessons and other study material.
You may be tempted to do an internet search for “CMA Part 1 book free download” or something similar. And I get it—the CMA Exam fees and the cost of course reviews can add up. However, if you find someone willing to let you have a CMA Part 1 PDF free download or a CMA Part 2 PDF free download, I’m going to warn you for two reasons.
First, it’s illegal. In fact, according to IMA’s website, “Any reproduction, reuse, or distribution of CMA materials relating to exam review without prior written permission from the publisher is illegal…” Plus, CMAs or CMA candidates who get caught giving out these unauthorized downloads could be expelled from the IMA or the CMA program. So it’s just not worth it.
Second, the CMA Exam gets updated from time to time. Do you want to download material that could be outdated? Similarly, do you want to study topics that aren’t even on the CMA Exam now? I wouldn’t. So please take my advice and stick to the reliable resources in this article.
Do you want to pass the CMA Exam on the first time? Of course, you do. But so did the roughly 45% of people who sit for the CMA Exam every year and fail. So please consider my advice and invest in a CMA review course. In the long run, it could save you a lot of time and money.
Your entire CMA Exam experience is one of those times in life when it helps to spend a little money upfront to save a lot of money (and time!) down the road. CMA review providers are in the business to help you pass the CMA Exam the first time with the minimum number of study hours. A good course follows the most current IMA CSOs and LOSs, so you know that you’re studying the right material. In contrast, if you’re studying with a US CMA books PDF free download, you might be reviewing old information.
Plus, by studying with a good review course, you’ll significantly decrease the chances that you’ll have to retake the CMA Exam. As a result, you’ll reduce the money you’ll drop on exam fees. After all, the fees really add up when you start retaking sections. Use my CMA prep discounts to bring the prices of CMA prep courses down significantly.
There are several strong CMA review courses on the market. However, they are all a little different, so finding the right fit for your learning style is essential. To make your choice a little easier, I’ve reviewed the best CMA study materials for 2025. But if you still have questions, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below—I love hearing from my readers.
If you like mini-comparisons, I’ve also authored Becker CMA vs. Gleim, Surgent CMA vs. Gleim, Wiley CMA vs. Gleim, HOCK CMA vs. Gleim, and HOCK CMA vs. Becker CMA.
I am the author of How to Pass The CPA Exam (published by Wiley) and the publisher of this and several accounting professional exam prep sites.